
Who You Are Here To Be
with Human Design

Your Personal Blueprint for Success

" My reading was so accurate for my personality & life. I found it really insightful... "

-Emma Whalley
Gossip Gals 

"Kays 18 years of experience in Human Design shone through her reading..."

Sarah Tobin
Tapping for Mums

What Is Human Design?

Imagine when you were born if you had come with an operating manual?

Your Human Design Chart is a detailed map of YOU.

Human Design is a synthesis of ;

    The I-Ching
    Chakra System &
    Quantum Physics


Your first reading is eye opening and always full of AHHA moments.
It feels surprisingly simple and intuitive, like someone has just opened the operating manual of you.

Sadly none of us came with such a manual and so were taught a set of expectations and ways to live that probably didn't suit us.

But what if we discovered how we could make great decisions, how to tap into the power of who we are.
What if we were able to deeply accept ourselves and drop the expectations and false pressures?

What if we also understood how our children worked and so could bring them up with the right kind of sleep, the best way for them to learn and feel good about themselves.
For us adults when we come to Human Design it is really a process of deconditioning, but imagine if we could guide the children in our lives in the way that was just right for them.  

But it is never too late for a new beginning.

  • Learn to live in sync with yourself
  • Gain deep self acceptance and ease.
  • To know your differences are how you were designed to be
  • Learn strategies & techniques for life

Download Your Human Design Chart Here 

The Benefits of a Reading with Kay Ash-Lee

A friendly experienced Guide to lead you through the many layers of your Unique Human Design Chart.

Bespoke advice for putting the information into practice in your life.

90 minutes together on Zoom exploring your chart.

Immediate answers to your questions.

A recording of the session to listen back to again and again.

A bespoke reading gives you strategies for life.

Greater self confidence.

Freedom to step into who you really are...not who you thought you should be.

What Will My Reading Cover?

There are many layers to discover within your chart. By far the most valuable to be to start Living Your Design are the areas below.

Your Type

We are all one of 5 Types
Manifesting Generator

Your Strategy

We each have a particular simple strategy to live by.

Chances are we have not been raised to make important decisions this way.

Inner Authority

We have generally been conditioned to allow our heads to be in charge of important decisions.

Learn how to listen to what is right for you.

Your Profile

This gives a deeper insight into who you are.

 Understanding your Role can help you relax into who are really are.

I was delighted to be invited to The Tapping Into Podcast to talk about Human Design. Take a listen here.



  • 75 mins Zoom Call
  • Audio Recording
  • Time for Q & A
  • Bespoke Reading
    + Printable Chart pdf

Parent & Child


  • As per Individual +
  • 40 min each Child                 in separate session
  • £100 per additional parent
  • £50 per additional child



For guidance on Living your design and to discover deeper layers at your own pace.

  • 60 mins
  • Living your Design
  • On Zoom
  • Audio Recording

Tapping into your design


Combine the power of EFT Tapping with guidance on Living your Design. 

  • 90 Mins
  • For extra support
  • On Zoom
  • Audi Recording

How To Book 

Please use click either of these buttons to contact me on Messenger or WhatsApp and if Email is your preference then please use the Contact Form Below.
I look forward to hearing from you. 

" You won't regret a human design reading with Kay. It has helped me to really understand myself. But even more importantly, understand my two sons and how we work best together as a family.

I will confess that I didn't listen to Kay's advice about their sleeping arrangements and by week 4 we had to reverse tactics.

80% less stress, and much happier household. So I will now be listening to Kay and her amazing, human design advice much more closely and I definitely want to explore more. "
Sarah Tobin

Advanced EFT Practitioner & Podcaster

" I found the human design readings really accurate for my personality and life. I've found it really insightful to help me understand myself and to give me direction on how to make decisions and plan things in my life, and it has given me a better understanding of myself and my family as well.
I really appreciate the the real life examples that Kay gives and so I can put things into practice and not just know about my human design."

Emma Whalley 

Social Media Strategist & Mentor

" Having an understanding of how I interact with people has been extremely useful in managing relationships.  

It also helped me understand why other people’s emotions affect me and having that level of understanding helps me to realise that the strong emotions I sometimes feel aren’t actually mine.  

I find having this knowledge and understanding quite empowering."
Julie Flora


Kay Ash-Lee

Founder, Tapping Into You,
Advanced EFT Practitioner, Human Design Reader, Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher.

I have a deep passion for helping people understand and accept themselves.
It is through  letting go of our conditioning and out of date beliefs that we find true emotional freedom and joy.